Common childhood illnesses like cold


No matter how careful you are as a parent, it is very normal for babies to develop a common childhood illnesses like cold. Even though there are various vaccines available today for protection against some strains of viruses that cause symptoms of cold, there are many strains of viruses and bacteria causing common childhood illnesses like cold and cough. Although the illness doesn’t cause too much discomfort to the baby it is one of those concerns in children that parents almost always worry about.

Age and how it affects your baby

Your baby’s reaction to common childhood illnesses like cold will depend on the age when the problem occurs. Here is a look at how your baby may react to cold at various ages.

  • If your baby is less than six months of age, the cold is most likely going to be mild. Your baby may start by sneezing, followed by a stuffy or runny nose. In some cases, your baby may cough a little.
  • In case your baby’s nose is stuffy for a longer period of time, he or she may get cranky and uncomfortable, but this will go away soon.
  • For older babies, the symptoms may be a little more pronounced. Your baby may not show any signs at all initially, but may suddenly develop a fever. This could last for two to three days, after which your baby’s nose may start to get runny. This is when the cold will start to recede.
What happens when your baby has common childhood illnesses like cold?

There can be various reasons that cause your baby to develop a cold. From irritants present in the house to a host of germs and viruses, the possibilities are endless. However, the most common viruses that cause cold especially in babies are the picornaviruses, which also include the very common virus known as rhinovirus, also known as the nose virus.

  • Baby’s are prone to bouts of cold as their immune system is still very fragile and has not developed yet
  • The most common way that these viruses enter your baby’s body are through the nose and mouth. Each time they touch an object and touch their nose or mouth, the chances of an infection get higher.
  • Once the virus is inside your baby’s body, they reproduce in the lining of the throat or nose. When this happens, the body releases chemicals, and blood vessels leak fluids causing swelling. Also, the body produces mucus and triggers fever.

While a cold is not really a serious health condition, it is recommended that you consult your pediatrician.


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